B&K Precision 4045B - Manual User Manual
Page 40

F1: Frequency Rate - (Frequency) Selects
and displays the frequency. Change
the frequency setting using the cursor
keys, rotary knob or numerical keys. If
a certain wavelength can't produce the
waveform at the desired frequency, the
waveform generator will display an
“Out of Range” error message.
Displays the Point Rate (for Arbitrary
Waveform only). The Rate parameter
governs the rate at which waveform
points are executed and thus the
frequency of the output. When you set
this parameter, the waveform
generator will keep that execution rate
for all waveform lengths until it is
F2: Amplitude - Selects the Amplitude
In Arbitrary mode, this setting defines
the maximum peak-to-peak amplitude
of a full-scale waveform. If the
waveform does not use the full scale
(data points from -2047 to +2047),
then its actual amplitude will be
F3:Offset -Selects the Offset parameter.
Change the offset by using the cursor
keys, rotary dial or numerical keys. If a
certain setting cannot be produced, the