Introduction, 1 system overview, 2 system description – YSI Vertical Profiler Systems User Manual
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YSI Profiler System
USER Manual
1.1 System Overview
The YSI Profiler is an integrated system of hardware and software, typically mounted to a
floating platform (pontoon or buoy). The Profiler is anchored at a predetermined site on a lake,
reservoir or bay, and used for vertical profiling a column of water. The system employs a YSI
sonde to periodically measure water parameters in the column. The user inputs information
through YSI Profile Wizard (PC-based) to create a program that is downloaded to a Campbell
Scientific CR10X data logger that resides on the Profiler platform. The CR10X controls the
Profiler winch to move the sonde up and down through the water column and command data from
sensors at specified intervals. The system may also include a depth sounder (or fixed reference
sonde), compass and meteorological sensors for collecting additional data at the site. The remote
data collection system operates on programmed software instructions, and when polled, it sends
data via a wireless communication link back to one or more base stations. LoggerNet™ is a PC-
based program used to communicate with the CR10X data logger, which keeps track of the last
samples uploaded. The YSI Profile Data Manager™ is a PC-based program that may be used to
analyze and manage profile data.
1.2 System Description
The YSI Profiler pontoon version consists of the YSI 6960 Controller Assembly and the YSI
6955 Winch Assembly, both mounted to a T-Frame support. Figure 1-1 should help you to
visualize the hardware. The software programs are described in later sections.
Figure 1-1 Profiler Platform: On Boat Ramp for Pre-deployment Check (Panels Removed)
YSI Environmental
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