Setting up a profiling routine – YSI Vertical Profiler Systems User Manual

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YSI Profiler System USER Manual


With basic configurations set in your sonde, use your notes on your profiling objectives to
proceed with Profile Wizard. There are several parts to setting up the file and each will be
discussed below. Following this description a step-by-step setup example will be described with
screen shots of each step of Profile Wizard. Below are some definitions of key terms used in the
setup. In addition to knowing the water depth at your profiling site, you also need to define the
column you want to profile and where you want to park the sonde between profile routines. You
will need to know where to START, where to END, and where to PARK. All must be defined in
units of meters relative to the surface of the water.

The PARK depth (required entry) can be anywhere in the water column. This is where the
sonde will reside when it is not actively profiling a water column.

The START position (required entry) is the first point in the water column where data is
collected. This can be close to the surface, near the bottom or anywhere in between. The Profile
Wizard program also requires an entry selection to profile from TOP TO BOTTOM or

The END position (required entry) is the last step the Profiler can take. If the sonde goes any
further, it may come out of the water or hit bottom. The END step is the only step that will vary
in size from the other steps and is typically less than a full step size.

The PROFILE DURATION is the time it takes to go from PARK to START, perform all
measurements at each interval step, and then return to PARK.

Park position is where the sonde typically spends most of its time. For example, a profile may
take 45 minutes to complete. So if you configure your system to profile every four (4) hours
that would be six (6) times a day. If the profile takes 45 minutes, then the sonde resides in park
position (idle) for 3 hours and 15 minutes of each profile. So the sonde is idle about 80% of any
given day in this example.

If Profile Wizard is not open, do that next. Either double click on the Profile Wizard icon on
your Desktop; or click on Start | Open | and then Browse to search for YSI Profile Wizard.exe.
The opening screen (welcome screen) is shown below.

Note that there are two options in the welcome screen - Create new station and Modify existing
station. Since you are creating a new station in this example, verify the tick is in the Create box.
If you have a profiling routine defined by name, you may elect to open an existing file to modify
it by using the ‘Modify existing station’ option.

YSI Environmental

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