YSI Vertical Profiler Systems User Manual
Page 36

YSI Profiler System USER Manual
Type ‘0’ to back out to the Main menu.
-------------Cal constants-------------
2-DO gain:1.01064
3-Pressure offset PSI:0.011
4-pH offset (pH-7)*K:19.7162
5-pH gain (pH-7)*K/mV:-5.12062
6-Turb-6136 Offset:7.01061
7-Turb-6136 A1:122.378
8-Turb-6136 M1:125.241
9-Turb-6136 A2:244.757
A-Turb-6136 M2:250.482
B-Chl Offset:-1.88556
C-Chl A1:100
D-Chl M1:69.9475
E-Chl A2:200
F-Chl M2:139.895
G-Fluor Offset:-0.44621
1-Run 5-System
2-Calibrate 6-Report
3-File 7-Sensor
4-Status 8-Advanced
Now type 1-Run to view the Run setup options and then type 1-Discrete sample.
---------------Run setup---------------
1-Discrete sample
2-Unattended sample
When you type 1-Start sampling you will now be able to view data from sonde sensor
measurements. Evaluate your data based on where the sonde resides at this time (air, bucket,
environmental water). Regardless of readings you can confirm that all sensors are working and
the sonde is actively measuring parameters in the correct units.
------------Discrete sample------------
1-Start sampling
2-Sample interval=0.5
5-Open a file
Several lines of results are shown in the screen below.
YSI Environmental
669523 Rev B
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