YSI Vertical Profiler Systems User Manual

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YSI Profiler System USER Manual

At the same # prompt type

‘MENU’ to access the sonde menu. You should now see the

Main menu.

# ver

# reset
YSI Water Quality Systems Model 6600
Version 2.25 07-01-2004 15:00:58
Copyright (c) 1992-2003 YSI Incorporated.
All rights reserved.

1-Run 5-System
2-Calibrate 6-Report
3-File 7-Sensor
4-Status 8-Advanced

To navigate the menus, type ‘0’ or “Esc” to move back to previous levels, or type the number of
the submenu you desire to enter. In this section you will want to check, and possibly change,
settings in the Advanced, Sensor, Report, System and Status submenus. The displays below lead
you through the exercise of accessing each of these menus to check settings. Relevant
comments along the way should help you prepare your sonde for connection to Profiler.

First, check Sensor by typing in ‘7’. Remember that you may need up to twelve (12) sensors in
your setup. This depends on your sonde model and your profile. Sensors that are enabled have
an asterisk to their left. Verify that these are the measurement sensors that you need for your
profile routine. To enable or disable a sensor, type the character to the left of the name (1-9, A-
J), making certain that an asterisk appears if you want that sensor enabled.

Under the sensor menu Time may be enabled. However, in the Report menu, time and date must
be disabled to work with YSI Profiler. See more information below. Note also that the Pressure
sensor is present and enabled. This is the sensor that is used in measuring depth. A depth sensor
is required in the YSI Profiler application. Now type ‘0’ to return to the Main menu.

1-Run 5-System
2-Calibrate 6-Report
3-File 7-Sensor
4-Status 8-Advanced

Next, select 6-Report to view the parameters, including the units of measurement that you have
chosen. Make note of the three highlighted parameters. In the setup of the profiling routine,
both date and time must be disabled. In addition, Depth in meters must be enabled. Profiler
software does not calculate properly when depth is set in feet. Double-check to make certain
that you have set these parameters as required. Now take a look at other parameters that are
enabled to be reported. Are these the parameters that you have chosen for your profiling
routine? If not, now is the time to change them. There is a maximum of twelve (12) parameters
for display and depth must be one of them. Another useful parameter to report is Battery volts.

YSI Environmental

669523 Rev B

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