YSI Vertical Profiler Systems User Manual
Page 16

YSI Profiler System USER Manual
Once you click on Save the welcome screen reappears, this time with the Next … button active
to proceed to the next step in Profile Wizard. Note also that Units are Metric, which at this time
is the only option. English units (feet) can not be used in your calculations and setup. (One
meter is approximately 3.281 feet). Finally, take note that the directory path and filename you
assigned is shown near the bottom of the screen
Now Click on Next > to proceed to one of five ‘General Information Steps’. This is where you
will enter critical information to define your profiling routine. Have your notes on hand before
Information (Steps 1-5)
In the first Step (General Information), you must indicate if you will use a depth sounder or
fixed reference sonde in your operation. In this example assume there is no depth sounder
sensor or fixed sonde in the system. Below are examples of applications where you may choose
using a depth sounder or fixed sonde, including its advantages in those specific applications.
You must also indicate in Step 1 if you have meteorological (MET) sensors or a compass in your
system. If there were a solar radiation sensor, a constant will be provided by YSI. In this
example, assume there are no MET sensors in use.
YSI Environmental
669523 Rev B Page 2-7