Chapter 4 modem command reference, H-219x – Xylem H-2192 User Manual
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Chapter 4
Modem Command Reference
4.1 Introduction
The H-219X uses a modem module that incorporates the standard Hayes AT command set. However
the modem module is just one subsection of the H-219X. In most cases the user will never have to
change the configuration of this module. The H-219X has much more capability than just a standard
data modem. The H-219X also supports voice options over the phone system, Cell phone options,
alarm call out options, text messaging, and voice over a VHF / UHF radio network. To support these
options a set of commands have been added that use an ‘AV’ prefix. This chapter is used to describe
these ‘AV’ commands.
The commands are not case sensitive, upper or lower case may be used. All voice commands must
be terminated with a Carriage Return or a Carriage Return and Line Feed pair. This will not be
shown in the descriptions below.
In most cases the response to a command is the ‘OK’ message or the data or information requested
is returned. All responses will be terminated with a Carriage Return and Line Feed pair. Below the
commands are listed in upper case to help them stand out.
Modem Command Reference 4-1