H-219x – Xylem H-2192 User Manual
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3.8 Text Message Call In
The H-2192 can text the last measurement over the cell network. To us this feature simply send
a text containing any content to the phone number of the H-2192 and it will respond with the last
measurement reported to the modem.
3.9 Text Message Call Out
The H-2192 can text an alarm rather than make an outgoing voice call. This feature can ben
enabled by prefixing the provided phone number with the character ‘T’
For example: if I wanted to text to the phone number 555-555-1234 I would enter the phone
number as T555-555-1234 under the H-2192 alarm menu.
If both voice and text alarms are enabled the alarm will continue to be active until acknowledged
from a voice alarm. If only text alarms are used alarms continue to be active until the alarm has
been successfully sent to all configured recipients.
3.10 Voice Call In Over UHF / VHF Radio
The H-2191 can connect directly to a Data Radio DL 3400 radio. Using this radio, data
messages can be ‘spoken’ as requested from remote sites using similar radios with the ability to
produce a DTMF tones. Basically a radio with a phone like keypad will be able to produce the
DTMF tones.
Calling into a H-2191 that uses a UHF /VHF radio will act much the same as calling in from a
standard phone system. The main difference is only the last measured data will be spoken and
the user must use a keypad on their radio to select the site they want data from.
The Radio can be powered up all the time or off all the time. It can be programmed to turn on
and off at set times, or based on the level of the battery voltage. The following menu is used to
select how the power for the radio is handled.
H-2191 RF Radio Menu
P - Power On/Off: Off (Manual Off)
I - Radio ID Code: 0
Last Time Update: 00:00:00
N - Radio Turn On Time: 06:00:00
F - Radio Turn Off Time: 18:00:00
V - Radio Turn Off Voltage: 12.25
Enter Option -> _
3-12 Operation