Chapter 9, Nonlinearity correction and calibration, Overview – Ocean Optics RaySphere 1700 Install User Manual

Page 55: Nonlinearity correction, Wavelength calibration, Absolute irradiance calibration, Uncertainties calculation, Nonlinearity correction and, Calibration

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Chapter 9

Nonlinearity Correction and



The signal from the spectrometer has to be processed for several corrections to get the highest possible
precision. The most important processes are described in the following paragraphs.

Nonlinearity Correction

The spectrometer’s signal is automatically corrected for nonlinearity by an internal algorithm. The
function cannot be disabled in the RaySphere software.

Wavelength Calibration

The wavelength (measured in nanometers) of the spectrometer(s) in your RaySphere unit has been
calibrated before leaving Ocean Optics. See the appropriate spectrometer manual (NIRQuest and/or
QE65000) for more information on spectrometer wavelength calibration in




Absolute Irradiance Calibration

Absolute irradiance calibration of the RaySphere system is done in the calibration laboratory of Ocean
Optics GmbH Germany. For recalibration, it is recommended that any recalibration, if necessary, be done
there as well.

The equipment used for calibration is listed on the Ocean Optics calibration certificate. Ocean Optics
calibration light sources are traceable to NIST standards and all other equipment used is ID-traceable to
NIST or German PTB standards.

The spectral data use physical units of µW/cm^2/nm and the wavelength is in nanometers.

Uncertainties Calculation

The calculation of uncertainty is done in accordance with the IEC Guide 115 Application of uncertainty of
measurement to conformity assessment activities in the electrotechnical sector