Ocean Optics RaySphere 1700 Install User Manual
Page 37
5: Operation
► Procedure
To adjust the photocurrent amplification and trigger level,
1. Click the Setting button (
). The Photocurrent/Trigger Settings dialog box appears.
2. Choose the Operation Mode Continuous/ValueFind.
Click the OK and the
buttons to activate the settings. The actual digitalized photocurrent is
continuously displayed in the graph.
4. Excite a flash and observe the photocurrent behavior on your computer screen. The flash appears
and disappears quickly. Nevertheless, you can determine if the photocurrent is saturated (meaning
the amplification is too high) or if the flash intensity is too low (meaning the Gain is too small).
5. The amplification works on a linear scale. Adjust the amplification until the flash intensity is
greater than 700 arbitrary units on the y-axis of the graph. Set the trigger level value between 500
and the maximum of intensity.
Change the Operation mode to Autotest/SingleSpec. The photocurrent is not displayed
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