Ocean Optics RaySphere 1700 Install User Manual

Page 23

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3: Software Operation



Make the desired setting changes.



*Delay of QE/NQ

Set the delay time for the QE65000 (QE) and/or NIRQuest (NQ) spectrometer in
the RaySphere. The available range is 0 – 160 ms.


Sets the amplification of the photocurrent in two steps:

• Gain 1, Gain 2, Gain 3: amplify by a factor of 1, 10, 100, respectively
• Fine amplification by a factor of 1:10

The resulting overall amplification is: Amplification = GainX x fine amplification.
[GainX = {1; 2; 3}]

*Trigger Level

Adjusts the trigger level values for the photocurrent from 500 to 4094.

Trigger Source

Changes the trigger source:

• External – RaySphere reacts to an electrical trigger pulse which can be

applied on the power supply

• Flash – RaySphere triggers itself by flash if the trigger level is reached
• Manual – Spectrum recording is done manually. RaySphere measures

when the sample button on the Spectrometer page is pressed.

• Off – no triggering