Printronix Online Data Validator User Manual

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Printronix Online Data Validator (ODV) Compliance Statement

The Printronix Online Data Validator gathers data per the ISO/ANSI method of verification to perform
practically all the industry standard bar code quality parameter calculations. These include all ISO/ANSI
method parameters, PCS, ratio, X dimension calculation, modulo check digit calculations, average bar
deviation, etc., along with decoding the symbol.

Reflectance Compliance – 660 nm Wavelength (Red) Light

The reflectance values embedded in the calibration symbol supplied with each ODV are traceable to Applied
Image Primary Verification Calibrated Standard per ANSI X3.182 Step Reflectance Chart (see note 2.)
Applied Image certified Calibration Standards are manufactured to Applied Image, Inc. and Uniform Code
Council, Inc. specifications, using ANSI X3.182-1990 methodology, and are calibrated using standards
traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (N.I.S.T.)

ISO/ANSI Method Compliance

The Printronix ODV gathers data and performs all ISO/ANSI method parameter calculations per the ISO/IEC
15416 and ANSI X3.182-1990 methodologies with a few special considerations and exceptions. The ODV
also conforms to ISO/IEC 15426 per the requirements specified in Section 2. The exceptions and
considerations are related to the instrument’s design and mission. The design incorporates a proprietary
analog laser scanner that can be assembled with various focus lengths to produce different beam spot sizes.
The mission is to not only analyze bar code quality, but also to detect any printer failures, process failures or
media problems. For maximum performance and to conform to quality specifications, a fixed mounting
distance and angle are required. A beam spot size able to detect errors of the particular print method is highly
recommended. This beam spot size used may or may not correspond to the recommendations in various
specifications that it be related to the X dimension of a particular symbol, but instead correspond to the
printer’s resolution or some other parameter(s) critical in the application. A major philosophy of an on-line
verification system is; if the printer and/or process is operating correctly and the media has proper reflectance
properties, the best print quality for that particular print method and material is achieved by definition.

Special Considerations

1. Final system tests are performed at the proper focus distance and at an angle of 22 degrees. Units with
common focus distances are checked to yield analysis results within +/- 4 % of all target values except +/- 3%
for the Rmin calculation.

2. The standard ODV has an 8 inch focus distance creating a spot size that gathers light equivalent to a 6 mil
round aperture. For these models, final test includes analyzing UPC symbols on the Calibrated Conformance
Standard Test Card for EAN/UPC Symbol Verifiers. Results are checked to be within +/- 4% (+/- 3% for Rmin)
of the marked values on the test card.

3. All ODV’s use the same laser diode with a wavelength of 660 +/- 10 nm. Therefore, any ISO/ANSI overall
symbol grade calculated by an ODV includes 660 as the wavelength portion of the grade.

Exceptions to the ISO/ANSI Method

1. The Defects calculation does not include the quiet zone area. A separate quiet zone check is implemented
to more easily isolate print problems vs. setup problems in an on-line environment.

2. A laser spot is used instead of a round aperture. The spot size is dependent on the focus distance of the
unit’s optical system.