Printronix Online Data Validator User Manual
Page 67

Advanced Validator Options
The Overall Grade is determined by taking the lowest grade
obtained for any of these bar code quality parameters:
Decodeability, Percent Decode, Defects, Modulation, EC Min,
Rmin, and Symbol Contrast.
You can set the Overall Grade parameter to a value from 0.0 to 4.0.
The default is 0.0.
Overall Grade Calculations
The validator follows the specified algorithm defined in the ANSI
X3.182 specification for determining the Overall Grade based on an
average. Although it is not defined, the validator truncates the result
of all analysis parameters averages for a slightly stricter grading.
A side effect of the ANSI specified algorithm is that the Overall
Grade may be lower than any of the averaged analysis parameters.
This occurs because the Overall Grade is based on the lowest
grade on any scan converted to a single digit grade (A to F, 4 to 0)
which is then averaged. This usually occurs when a single analysis
parameter has a value just above or just below the Overall Grade.
The Decodeability value of 51 displays as B, but the Overall Grade
displays as C.
The bar code was scanned five times: three scans had values of
0.49 (grade C) and two scans had values of 0.54 (grade B).
The Decodeability grading calculation is:
(3 x 0.49) + (2 x 0.54) = 2.55
2.55 ÷ 5 = 0.51 (grade B)
The Overall Grade calculation is:
(3 x 2.0) + (2 x 3.0) = 12
12 ÷ 5 = 2.4 (grade C)
Also, with certain combinations of multiple analysis parameters and
possibly the truncation used on the analysis parameter’s average,
the Overall Grade may be higher than an individual analysis
parameter grade.
The Decodeability value of 48 displays as C, but the Overall Grade
displays as B.