F9:connect, F0:playlist – EVS XSense Version 10.04 - January 2011 Operating Manual User Manual

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XSense – Version 10.04 – Operating Manual

EVS Broadcast Equipment – January 2011



This option calls the CONNECT window. This window allows the operator to
connect to the clips and record trains of other machine on the network.

The following functions can be used in the CONNECT window:

ALT+L: return to LOCAL mode and close the CONNECT window
ALT+C: CLIPS mode - to connect to the clips of a remote machine

ALT+R: RECORD mode - to connect to the record trains of a remote machine

ALT+P: CLIP+REC mode - to connect to the clips and record trains of a remote

After selecting CLIP, RECORD or CLIP+REC mode either with the keyboard or by

clicking with the stylus, select the machine you want to connect to: click on it with
the stylus, or move with the arrow keys and press ENTER on the keyboard.

Pressing ALT+L or clicking with the stylus on “LOCAL” will close the CONNECT
window and return to local clips and record trains.

To close the CONNECT window without changing the connection mode or remote
machine, press ESC.

The “*” next to one of the machine in the list indicates which machine is the

active network server. Refer to the Chapter 13 ‘Operating on XNet Network’, on
page 145 for details.


The Playlist screen can be accessed by selecting F10 on the keyboard.