Upload prestige configuration file, Upload prestige configuration file using ftp, 5 upload prestige configuration file – ZyXEL Communications Prestige 1600 User Manual
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Prestige 1600 Universal Access Concentrator
Configuration & Firmware Maintenance
Figure 15-12 Menu 24.7.1 as seen using the Console Port.
You can type 'atur' to upload ras code to the P1600 main block as atur = atum. If you want to upload ras
code to the backup block then you must type 'atub' instead of 'atur'.
After the "Starting XMODEM upload" message appears, activate the Xmodem protocol on your computer. The
following procedure is for the HyperTerminal program. The procedure for other serial communications programs
should be similar.
Step 1.
Click Transfer in the HyperTerminal menu bar, then Send File from the drop-down menu.
Step 2.
Enter the path and name of the firmware file (“bin” extension) on your computer.
Step 3.
Choose the Xmodem Protocol.
Step 4.
Finally, press Send.
Step 5.
The system reboots automatically after a successful firmware upload.
15.5 Upload Prestige Configuration File
The configuration data, system-related data, error log and trace log are all stored in the configuration file. You can
upload the configuration file either through FTP or TFTP (preferred methods as they are faster) or through the RS-
232 console port (if the network is down). You need to reboot the system after the configuration file upload process
is complete. Uploading the configuration file replaces all previous configurations; the speed of the console port will
be reset to the default of 9600 bps with 8 data bit, no parity and 1 stop bit (8n1) and the password will also be reset
to the default of 1234.You will need to change your serial communication software to the defaults before you can
connect to the Prestige again.
15.5.1 Upload Prestige Configuration File using FTP
To upload the router configuration file, follow the instructions as shown in the following screen (Menu 24.7.2 using
Telnet). See also the FTP example earlier in this chapter.
Menu 24.7.1 - System Maintenance - Upload ZyNOS Code.
FTP or TFTP are the preferred methods for uploading router firmware to
your Prestige since FTP or TFTP is faster.
To upload router firmware:
1. Enter "y" at the prompt below to go into debug mode.
2. Enter "atur" after the "Enter Debug Mode" message.
3. Wait for the "Starting XMODEM upload" message before activating
the Xmodem upload on your terminal.
4. The system reboots automatically after a successful firmware upload.
Warning: Proceeding with the upload will erase the current router
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