Setting up an l2tp tunnel – D-Link DFL-2500 User Manual
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Now enter:
Inner IP Address: ip_l2tp
Tunnel Protocol: L2TP
Outer Interface Filter: l2tp_ipsec
Outer Server IP: wan_ip
Under the PPP Parameters tab, select L2TP_Pool in the IP Pool control
Under the Add Route tab, select all_nets in the Allowed Networks control
Click OK
Use User Authentication Rules is enabled as default. To be able to authenticate the users using the PPTP
tunnel you also need to configure authentication rules, which is not covered in this example.
Example 9.12. Setting up an L2TP Tunnel
This example shows how to setup a fully working L2TP Tunnel and will cover many parts of basic VPN
configuration. Before starting, you need to configure some address objects, for example the network that is going
to be assigned to the L2TP clients. Proposal lists and PSK are needed as well. Here we will use the objects
created in previous examples.
To be able to authenticate the users using the L2TP tunnel a local user database will be used.
A. Start by preparing a new Local User Database:
gw-world:/> add LocalUserDatabase UserDB
gw-world:/> cc LocalUserDatabase UserDB
gw-world:/UserDB> add User testuser Password=mypassword
Web Interface
Go to User Authentication > Local User Databases > Add > Local User Database
Enter a suitable for the user database, for instance UserDB
Go to User Authentication > Local User Databases > UserDB > Add > User
Now enter:
Username: testuser
Password: mypassword
Confirm Password: mypassword
Click OK
Now we will setup the IPsec Tunnel, which will later be used in the L2TP section. As we are going to use L2TP,
the Local Network is the same IP the L2TP tunnel will connect to, wan_ip. Furthermore, the IPsec tunnel needs to
be configured to dynamically add routes to the remote network when the tunnel is established.
B. Continue setting up the IPsec Tunnel:
gw-world:/> add Interface IPsecTunnel l2tp_ipsec LocalNetwork=wan_ip
RemoteNetwork=all-nets IKEAlgorithms=ike-roamingclients
IPsecAlgorithms=esp-l2tptunnel PSK=MyPSK EncapsulationMode=Transport
9.5.2. L2TP
Chapter 9. VPN