VXI VT1422A User Manual
Vt1422a remote channel multi-function dac module, User’s and scpi programming manual
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Preface
- Chapter 1 Getting Started
- Chapter 2 Field Wiring
- About This Chapter
- Planning the Wiring Layout
- Faceplate Connector Pin-Signal Lists
- Optional Terminal and Connector Modules
- Reference Temperature Sensing with the VT1422A
- Preferred Measurement Connections
- Connecting the On-Board Thermistor
- Wiring and Attaching the Terminal Module
- Removing the VT1422A Terminal Modules
- Attaching and Removing the VT1422A RJ-45 Module
- Adding Components to the Terminal Module
- Spring and Screw Terminal Module Wiring Maps
- Chapter 3 Programming the VT1422A & VT1529A/B for Remote Strain Measurement
- About This Chapter
- Instrument Setup for Remote Strain Measurements
- Connecting the VT1529A/B to Strain Gages
- VT1529A/B Bridge Configurations
- Connecting to the VT1529A/Bs Dynamic Strain Ports
- Remote Strain Channel Addressing
- Programming for Remote Strain Measurement
- Verifying Correct Bridge Completion (Shunt Cal)
- Built-in Strain Conversion Equations
- Chapter 4 Programming the VT1422A for Data Acquisition and Control
- About This Chapter
- Overview of the VT1422A Multifunction DAC Module
- Programming Model
- Executing the Programming Model
- Setting up Analog Input and Output Channels
- Setting Up Digital Input and Output Channels
- Performing Channel Calibration (Important!)
- Defining an Analog Input Scan List (ROUT:SEQ:DEF)
- Defining C Language Algorithms
- Defining Data Storage
- Setting up the Trigger System
- INITiating the Module/Starting Scanning and Algorithms
- Reading Running Algorithm Values
- Modifying Running Algorithm Variables
- Example SCPI Command Sequence
- Example VXIplug&play Driver Function Sequence
- Using the Status System
- VT1422A Background Operation
- Updating the Status System and VXIbus Interrupts
- Creating and Loading Custom EU Conversion Tables
- Compensating for System Offsets
- Detecting Open Transducers
- More On Auto Ranging
- Settling Characteristics
- Chapter 5 Advanced Programming with the VT1529B
- Chapter 6 Creating and Running Algorithms
- About This Chapter
- Overview of the Algorithm Language
- The Algorithm Execution Environment
- Accessing the VT1422A's Resources
- Accessing I/O Channels
- Accessing Remote Scan Status Variables
- Runtime Remote Scan Verification
- Defining and Accessing Global Variables
- Determining First Execution (First_loop)
- Initializing Variables
- Sending Data to the CVT and FIFO
- Setting a VXIbus Interrupt
- Determining An Algorithm's Identity (ALG_NUM)
- Calling User Defined Functions
- Operating Sequence
- Defining Algorithms (ALG:DEF)
- A Very Simple First Algorithm
- Modifying an Example PID Algorithm
- Algorithm to Algorithm Communication
- Non-Control Algorithms
- Implementing Setpoint Profiles
- Algorithm Language Reference
- Language Syntax Summary
- Program Structure and Syntax
- Chapter 7 VT1422A Command Reference
- Using This Chapter
- Overall Command Index
- Command Fundamentals
- SCPI Command Reference
- ALGorithm
- Subsystem Syntax
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:ARRay
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:ARRay?
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:DEFine
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SCALar
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SCALar?
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SCAN:RATio
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SCAN:RATio?
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:SIZE?
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit][:STATe]
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit][:STATe]?
- ALGorithm[:EXPLicit]:TIME?
- ALGorithm:FUNCtion:DEFine
- ALGorithm:OUTPut:DELay
- ALGorithm:OUTPut:DELay?
- ALGorithm:UPDate[:IMMediate]
- ALGorithm:UPDate:CHANnel
- ALGorithm:UPDate:WINDow
- ALGOrithm:UPDate:WINDow?
- CALCulate
- CALibration
- Subsystem Syntax
- CALibration:CONFigure:RESistance
- CALibration:CONFigure:VOLTage
- CALibration:REMote?
- CALibration:REMote:DATA
- CALibration:REMote:DATA?
- CALibration:REMote:STORe
- CALibration:SETup
- CALibration:SETup?
- CALibration:STORe
- CALibration:TARE
- CALibration:TARE:RESet
- CALibration:TARE?
- CALibration:VALue:RESistance
- CALibration:VALue:VOLTage
- CALibration:ZERO?
- DIAGnostic
- Subsystem Syntax
- DIAGnostic:CALibration:SETup[:MODE]
- DIAGnostic:CALibration:SETup[:MODE]?
- DIAGnostic:CALibration:TARE[:OTDetect]:MODE
- DIAGnostic:CALibration:TARE[:OTDetect]:MODE?
- DIAGnostic:CHECksum?
- DIAGnostic:CONNect
- DIAGnostic:CUSTom:MXB
- DIAGnostic:CUSTom:MXB
- DIAGnostic:CUSTom:PIECewise
- DIAGnostic:CUSTom:REFerence:TEMPerature
- DIAGnostic:IEEE
- DIAGnostic:IEEE?
- DIAGnostic:INTerrupt[:LINe]
- DIAGnostic:INTerrupt[:LINe]?
- DIAGnostic:OTDetect[:STATe]
- DIAGnostic:OTDetect[:STATe]?
- DIAGnostic:REMote:USER:DATA?
- DIAGnostic:TEST:REMote:NUMber?
- DIAGnostic:TEST:REMote:SELFtest?
- DIAGnostic:VERSion?
- FETCh?
- FORMat
- INITiate
- INPut
- MEASure
- MEMory
- OUTPut
- Subsystem Syntax
- OUTPut:CURRent:AMPLitude
- OUTPut:CURRent:AMPLitude?
- OUTPut:CURRent[:STATe]
- OUTPut:CURRent[:STATe]?
- OUTPut:POLarity
- OUTPut:POLarity?
[:STATe] - OUTPut:TTLTrg
- OUTPut:VOLTage:AMPLitude
- OUTPut:VOLTage:AMPLitude?
- SAMPle
- [SENSe]
- Subsystem Syntax
- [SENSe:]DATA:CVTable?
- [SENSe:]DATA:CVTable:RESet
- [SENSe:]FREQuency:APERture
- [SENSe:]FREQuency:APERture?
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:CONDition
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:CUSTom
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:CUSTom:HVOLtage
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:CUSTom:REFerence
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:CUSTom:TCouple
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:FREQuency
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:HVOLtage
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:RESistance
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBENding
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBPoisson
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FPOisson
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HBENding
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HPOisson
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain[:QUARter]
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q120
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q350
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:USER
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBENding:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FBPoisson:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:FPOisson:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HBENding:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:HPOisson:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain[:QUARter]:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q120:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:Q350:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:TEMPerature
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:TEMPerature:POST
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:TOTalize
- [SENSe:]FUNCtion:VOLTage[:DC]
- [SENSe:]REFerence
- [SENSe:]REFerence:POST
- [SENSe:]REFerence:CHANnels
- [SENSe:]REFerence:CHANnels:POST
- [SENSe:]REFerence:TEMPerature
- [SENSe:]REFerence:TEMPerature:POST
- [SENSe:]REFerence:THERmistor:RESistance:POST
- [SENSe:]REFerence:THERmistor:RESistance:POST?
- [SENSe:]STRain:BRIDge[:TYPE]
- [SENSe:]STRain:BRIDge:[TYPE]?
- [SENSe:]STRain:CONNect
- [SENSe:]STRain:CONNect?
- [SENSe:]STRain:EXCitation
- [SENSe:]STRain:EXCitation?
- [SENSe:]STRain:EXCitation:STATe
- [SENSe:]STRain:EXCitation:STATe?
- [SENSe:]STRain:GFACtor
- [SENSe:]STRain:GFACtor?
- [SENSe:]STRain:POISson
- [SENSe:]STRain:POISson?
- [SENSe:]STRain:UNSTrained
- [SENSe:]STRain:UNSTrained?
- [SENSe:]TOTalize:RESet:MODE
- [SENSe:]TOTalize:RESet:MODE?
- SOURce
- STATus
- The Operation Status Group
- The Questionable Data Group
- SYSTem
- TRIGger
- IEEE-488.2 Common Command Reference
- Command Quick Reference
- Appendix A Specifications
- Appendix B Error Messages
- Appendix C VT1529A/B Verification & Calibration
- Appendix D Glossary
- Appendix E Wiring and Noise Reduction Methods
- Appendix F Generating User Defined Functions
- Appendix G Example PID Algorithm Listings
- Index