Linking strain measurements – VXI VT1422A User Manual
Page 118

116 Programming the VT1422A for Data Acquisition and Control
Supplying a Fixed Reference Temperature
The [SENse:]REFerence:TEMPerature <degrees_c> command
immediately stores the temperature of a controlled temperature reference
junction panel in the Reference Temperature Register. The value is applied
to all subsequent thermocouple channel measurements until another
reference temperature value is specified or measured. There is no need to use
To specify the temperature of a controlled temperature reference panel:
reference temp = 50
Now begin scan to measure thermocouples.
Linking Strain
Strain measurements usually employ a Strain Completion and Excitation
SCP (VT1506A, VT1507A, VT1511A) or VT1529A/B Remote Strain
Conditioning Unit. To link channels to strain EU conversions send the
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:STRain:<bridge_type> [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
<bridge_type> is not a parameter but part of the command syntax. The
following table relates the command syntax to bridge type. See the
VT1506A, VT1507A, and VT1511A SCPs’ user’s manual for bridge
schematics and field wiring information.
* These choices are only available with the VT1529A/B.
** This choice is only available with VT1529A/B channels that have had a
user-supplied resistor installed.
to the strain EU conversion, not the strain bridge completion SCP
channels. This parameter does not specify channels on the
VT1506A/07A Strain Bridge Completion SCPs. It can specify any of
the lower four channels of a VT1511A SCP since these channels are
the sense channels used to measure the SCPs four bridge completion
Bridge Type
Full Bending Bridge
Full Bending Poisson Bridge
Full Poisson Bridge
Half Bending Bridge
Half Poisson Bridge
Quarter Bridge (default)
Quarter using VT1529A/B’s
internal 120
Ω resistor
Quarter using VT1529A/B’s
internal 350
Ω resistor
Quarter using VT1529A/B’s
user supplied resistor value