Command quick reference – VXI VT1422A User Manual

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VT1422A Command Reference 409

Chapter 7

Command Quick Reference

Command Quick Reference

The following tables summarize SCPI and IEEE-488.2 Common (*) commands for
the VT1422A Remote Channel Multifunction Module.

SCPI Command Quick Reference




Stops scanning immediately and sets trigger system to idle state (scan lists are



Subsystem to define, configure and enable loop control algorithms


:ARRay ’<alg_name>’,’<array_name>’,<block_data>

Defines contents of array <array_name> in algorithm <alg_name> or if

<alg_name> is "GLOBALS", defines values global to all algorithms.

:ARRay? ’<alg_name>’,’<array_name>’

Returns block data from <array_name> in algorithm <alg_name> or if

<alg_name> is "GLOBALS", returns values from a global array.

:DEFine ’<alg_name>’[,<swap_size>],’<program_data>’

Defines algorithms or global variables. is 'C' source of

algorithm or global declaration.

:SCALar ’<alg_name>’,’<var_name>’,<value>

Defines value of variable <var_name> in algorithm <alg_name> or if

<alg_name> is "GLOBALS", defines a value global to all algorithms.

:SCALar? ’<alg_name>’,’<var_name>’

Returns value from <var_name> in algorithm <alg_name> or if <alg_name>

is "GLOBALS," returns a value from global variable.


:RATio ’<alg_name>’,<ratio>

Sets scan triggers per execution of <alg_name> (send also ALG:UPD)

:RATio? ’<alg_name>’

Returns scan triggers per execution of <alg_name>

:SIZe? ’<alg_name>’

Returns size in words of named algorithm

:STATe ’<alg_name>’,ON | OFF

Enables/disables named algorithm after ALG:UPDATE sent

:STATe? ’<alg_name>’

Returns state of named algorithm

:TIME? ’<alg_name>’ | MAIN

Returns worst case alg execution time. Use "MAIN" for overall time.


:DEFine ’<function_name>’,<range>,<offset>,<func_data>

Defines a custom conversion function


:DELay <delay> | AUTO

Sets the delay from scan trigger to start of outputs


Returns the delay from scan trigger to start of outputs



Requests immediate update of algorithm code, variable or array

:CHANnel (@<channel>

Sets dig channel to synch algorithm updates

:WINDow <num_updates>

Sets a window for num_updates to occur. *RST default is 20.


Returns setting for allowable number variable and algorithm updates.



Arm if ARM:SOUR is BUS or HOLD (software ARM)


Specify the source of Trigger Timer ARM


Return current ARM source


:TEMPerature:THERmistor? <thr_volts>,<exc_volts>[,resistance]

Calculates temperature (in °C) of VT1586A reference thermistor.

:TEMPerature:TCouple? <type>,<thr_volts>,<volt_array>

Converts array of thermocouple output voltages into temperatures (in °C)



Prepare to measure on-board references with an external multimeter


Configure to measure reference resistor

:VOLTage <range>, ZERO | FSCale

Configure to measure reference voltage range at zero or full scale

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