Ieee-488.2 common command reference – VXI VT1422A User Manual
Page 401

VT1422A Command Reference 399
IEEE-488.2 Common Command Reference
IEEE-488.2 Common Command Reference
Calibration command. The calibration command causes the Channel
Calibration function to be performed for every module channel. The Channel
Calibration function includes calibration of A/D Offset and Gain and Offset for all
64 channels. This calibration is accomplished using internal calibration references.
The *CAL? command causes the module to calibrate A/D offset and gain and all
channel offsets. This may take many minutes to complete. The actual time it will take
the VT1422A to complete *CAL? depends on the mix of SCPs installed.
*CAL performs literally hundreds of measurements of the internal calibration sources
for each channel and must allow seventeen time constants of settling wait each time
a filtered channel's calibrations source value is changed. The *CAL procedure is
internally very sophisticated and results in an extremely well calibrated module.
To perform Channel Calibration on multiple VT1422As, use
Note that the scope of the *CAL? and CAL:SETup commands is limited to the
VT1422A and the SCPs it contains. They do not calibrate Remote Signal
Conditioning Units like the VT1529A/B. CAL:REMote? must be used in addition to
*CAL?/CAL:SETup for RSC units.
Returned Value:
The data type for this returned value is int16.
When Accepted: Not while INITiated
Related Commands: CALibration:SETup, CALibration:SETup?,
CALibration:STORe ADC
CAL:STOR ADC stores the calibration constants for *CAL? and CAL:SETup
into non-volatile memory.
Executing this command does not alter the module's programmed state
(function, range, etc.). It does however clear STAT:QUES:COND? register bit 13.
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmdInt16_Q(...)
Further Action
Cal OK
Cal Error
Query the Error Queue (SYST:ERR?)