Sense:]function:custom, Parameters, Comments – VXI VT1422A User Manual
Page 342: Usage

340 VT1422A Command Reference
[SENSe:]FUNCtion:CUSTom [<range>,](@<ch_list>)
links channels with the
custom Engineering Unit Conversion table loaded with the DIAG:CUST:MXB or
DIAG:CUST:PIECE commands. Contact a VXI Technology System Engineer for
more information on Custom Piecewise Engineering Unit Conversion for specific
See “Creating and Loading Custom EU Conversion Tables” on page 150.
The VT1422A has five ranges: 0.0625 V dc, 0.25 V dc, 1 V dc, 4 V dc, and
16 V dc. To select a range, simply specify the range value (for example, 4 selects
the 4 V dc range). If a value is specified that is larger than one of the first four
ranges, the VT1422A selects the next higher range (for example, 4.1 selects the
16 V dc range). Specifying a value larger than 16 causes an error -222 "Data out
of range." Specifying 0 selects the lowest range (0.0625 V dc). Specifying
AUTO selects auto range. The default range (no range parameter specified) is
auto range.
If using amplifier SCPs, set them first and keep their settings in mind when
specifying a range setting. For instance, if the expected signal voltage is to be
approximately 0.1 V dc and the amplifier SCP for that channel has a gain of 8,
<range> must be set no lower than 1 V dc or an input out-of-range condition
will exist.
If an A/D reading is greater than the <table_range> specified with
DIAG:CUSTOM:PIEC, an overrange condition will occur.
If no custom table has been loaded for the channels specified with
SENS:FUNC:CUST, an error will be generated when an INIT command
is given.
When Accepted: Not while INITiated
Related Commands: DIAG:CUST:
*RST Condition: all custom EU tables erased
Send with VXIplug&play Function: hpe1422_cmd(...)
DIAG:CUST:MXB slope,offset,(@116:123)
send M*X+B to VT1422A for chs 16-23
SENS:FUNC:CUST 1,(@116:123)
link custom EU with chs 16-23
INITiate then TRIGger module
Range of
numeric (float32)
see first comment
V dc
channel list (string)
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