VXI VT1422A User Manual
Page 416

414 VT1422A Command Reference
Command Quick Reference
:BRIDge[:TYPE] <select>,(@<ch_list>)
Set bridge configuration switches on VT1529A/B
:BRIDge[:TYPE]? (@<channel>)
Returns the current bridge configuration setting
:CONNect BRIDge | EXCitation,(@<ch_list>)
Set switches to sense bridge output or excitation voltage on VT1529A/B
:CONNect? (@<channel>)
Returns the current sense setting for the channel specified
:EXCitation <excite_v>,(@<ch_list>)
Specifies the Excitation Voltage by channel to the strain EU conversion
:EXCitation? (@<channel>)
Returns the Excitation Voltage set for <channel>
:STATe ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>)
controls state of excitation supply relay in VT1529A/B to banks of 8 channels
:STATe? (@<channel>)
returns state of excitation supply relay ("ON" | "OFF"
:GFACtor <gage_factor>,(@<ch_list>)
Specifies the Gage Factor by channel to the strain EU conversion
:GFACtor? (@<channel>)
Returns the Gage Factor set for <channel>
:POISson <poisson_ratio>,(@<ch_list>)
Specifies the Poisson Ratio by channel to the strain EU conversion
:POISson? (@<channel>)
Returns the Poisson Ratio set for <channel>
:UNSTrained <unstrained_v>,(@<ch_list>)
Specifies the Unstrained Voltage by channel to the strain EU conversion
:UNSTrained? (@<channel>)
Returns the Unstrained Voltage set for <channel>
[:STATe] 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>)
Configure digital channels to output frequency modulated signal
[:STATe]? (@<channel>)
Returns state of channels for FM output
:CONDition (@<ch_list>)
Configures channels to output static digital levels
:PULSe (@<ch_list>)
Configures channels to output digital pulse(s)
:SQUare (@<ch_list>)
Configures channels to output 50/50 duty cycle digital pulse train
:STATe 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,(@<ch_list>)
Configure digital channels to output pulse width modulated signal
:STATe? (@<channel>)
Returns state of channels for PW modulated output
:PERiod <period>,(@<ch_list>)
Sets pulse period for PW modulated signals
:PERiod? (@<channel>)
Returns pulse period for PW modulated signals
:WIDTh <width>,(@<ch_list>)
Sets pulse width for FM modulated signals
:WIDTh? (@<channel>)
Returns pulse width setting for FM modulated signals
[:AMPLitude] <-offset_v>,(@<ch_list>)
Used to correct for bridge offset at dynamic strain connector (Buffered Output)
Operation Status Group: Bit assignments; 0=Calibrating, 4=Measuring,
8=Scan Complete, 10=FIFO Half Full, 11=algorithm interrupt
Returns state of Operation Status signals
:ENABle <enable_mask>
Bits set to 1 enable status events to be summarized into Status Byte
Returns the decimal weighted sum of bits set in the Enable register
Returns weighted sum of bits that represent Operation status events
:NTRansition <transition_mask>
Sets mask bits to enable pos. Condition Reg. transitions to Event reg
Returns positive transition mask value
:PTRansition <transition_mask>
Sets mask bits to enable neg. Condition Reg. transitions to Event reg
Returns negative transition mask value
Presets both the Operation and Questionable Enable registers to 0
SCPI Command Quick Reference