Automatic electric heat lockout, Switch (fan-coil) 27, Automatic electric heat lockout switch (fan-coil) – Trane LO User Manual

Page 27

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When using field supplied 3-way valves, position the changeover

sensor upstream of the valve on the supply water pipe.

Recommendation: When using field supplied 2-way control

valves, attach the changeover sensor in a location that will

detect an active water temperature. The unit must always be

able to sense the correct

system water temperature,

regardless of the control valve


Note: The maximum length of

the automatic changeover wire

cannot exceed 10 feet from the

control panel. If the sensor

extends beyond the unit chassis,

use shielded conductors to

eliminate radio frequency

interference (RFI).

Two-pipe fan-coil units with auxiliary electric heat have an automatic

electric heat lockout switch that disengages the electric heat when

hydronic heat enables. If the unit has a factory piping package and

electric heat, the factory attaches the switch to the supply water

pipe. When the lockout switch detects the supply water temperature

above 95° F, it disengages the

electric heat. This eliminates

electric heat and hydronic heat

working simultaneously.

If the fan-coil unit does not have

a factory piping package, the

factory attaches the switch and

coiled lead wires to the piping

side end panel. The installer

should position the lockout

switch on the supply water line of

the unit by sliding its spring

connector over the pipe.

See Figure 15.

Figure 14. The changeover
sensor strapped to the supply
water pipe.

Automatic Electric
Heat Lockout
Switch (Fan-coil)

Figure 15. Units with electric
heat have an electric heat
lockout switch on the supply
water pipe.