Linfocus – Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 77

The image consists of several parts. It starts with
a large circle in the center of the screen. Its
diameter equals the lesser of the video height or
width of the display. The second part is a 10 by
10 box crosshatch pattern. The crosshatch is drawn
in from the outside edges, with any extra pixels
i n t h e b o x e s p l a c e d a l o n g t h e v e r t i c a l a n d
horizontal axis. The vertical centerline is two pixels
thick if the format has an even number of active
pixels per line. The horizontal centerline is two
pixels thick if the format has an even number of
active lines per frame. A smaller box is added at
the center of the image. The box is one-half the
height and two-fifths the width of one of the
crosshatch boxes. Current format data is shown
in the lower left quadrant of the image. It shows
the number of active pixels (H) and lines (V) as
well as the vertical and horizontal scan rates.
640 x 480
H= 31.469 KHz
V= 59.940 Hz