Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 158

Chapter 6: Programming
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A
a series of joined filled triangles. The following
example draws a 50% red filled triangle that looks
like an arrowhead pointing to the right near the top
left corner of active video:
T r i a n g l e R e d 5 0 1 0 5 1 0 2 5 4 0 1 5 1
The Format primitive shows some basic information
about the format that is driving the display. The
first line shows the number of horizontal active pixels
and vertical active lines. The last number on the
line shows the number of fields per frame (1 for
non-interlaced and 2 for interlaced). The second line
shows the horizontal rate and the third line shows
the vertical rate. The text is on a black rectangular
background with a single pixel border.
The primitive uses three (3) parameters. The first is
the color of the text and border. The next two pa-
rameters are the X and Y coordinates for the top
left-hand corner of the block of text. The following
example draws a blue block format data block 30
pixels to the right and 200 pixels below the top left
corner of active video:
F o r m a t B l u e 3 0 2 0 0
The Hatch_I-O primitive draws a crosshatch from
the “Inside-Out” of a given color and forming a given
number of boxes in each direction. The primitive
always has center lines that divide the active video
exactly in half in each direction. The vertical center
line is 2 pixels thick if the format has an even num-
ber of active pixels. The horizontal center line is 2
pixels thick if the format has an even number of
active lines. All other lines are 1 pixel thick. If an
odd number of boxes is entered for a given direc-
tion, a half box will be placed at each end of the
crosshatch. All of the lines, in a given direction, are
equally spaced. Any remaining pixels are distrib-
uted as equally as possible around the perimeter of
the grid. This may cause the first and last lines in
each direction not to be at the very edges of video.
This may also cause any half boxes to be slightly