Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 240

Chapter 6: Programming
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A
Digital Sync Composite Type
Format parameter setting
Command Syntax:
0 = none
1 = American HDTV ORed
2 = American ORed
3 = American w/serr
4 = American w/serr & eq
5 = European HDTV ORed
6 = European ORed
7 = European w/serr
8 = European w/serr & eq
9 = American HDTV w/serr
10 = American HDTV w/serr & eq
11 = European HDTV w/serr
12 = European HDTV w/serr & eq
13 = Japanese HDTV ORed
14 = Japanese HDTV w/serr
15 = Japanese HDTV w/serr & eq
Query Syntax:
Query Response:
The DSCT command establishes the type of composite sync that
appears at the digital composite sync outputs when digital
composite sync is selected via the SSST command. The DSCT?
query returns the current setting of DSCT. A setting of zero (0)
indicates that digital composite sync cannot be activated by the
Other Required Cmds:
The FMTU command instructs the generator to use the new
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting
and redraws the test image.
D S C T 2 / / S e l e c t s i m p l e A m e r O R e d i n
/ / b u f f e r
F M T U / / U p d a t e h a r d w a r e t o c u r r e n t
/ / b u f f e r c o n t e n t s