Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 350

Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A
Connectors, Output
BNC 5-6
D-Sub 5-4
Contrast and brightness check test
Contrast Ratio Measurements 5-14
Controls, an overview 1-3
Convergence Test 5-32, 5-73
Custom Image Editor
Activating 6-7
Drawing Primitives 6-25
Using 6-24
Custom Images
Adding to knob 6-21
“DCS Sync Gate” Button 2-10
Formats 1-3
Deflection linearity test 5-59
Digital Video
Turning on and off 2-9
Directory Memory Management
command and queries 6-84
Display Code 6-108
On front panel window 2-4
Display Size Test 5-43
“DSS Sync Gate” Button 2-10
Editors, built-in
Activating 6-7
Excessive overscan and off-center
alignment test 5-60
Features of the 801GP 1-2
Field Rate
Programming 6-175
Fimrware Version 6-170
focus adjustment 5-22
Focus adjustment test 5-24, 5-25,
5-26, 5-27, 5-36, 5-40
Focus Test 5-22
Focus test 5-5, 5-6
Knob 2-5
Format Editor
Activating 6-7
Using 6-9
Format Files
Creating your own 6-43
Format List Editor
Activating 6-7
Using 6-19
Format Name
On front panel window 2-4
Format Number
On front panel window 2-4
Format Parameter Settings
Commands and Queries 6-76, 6-77
Format Test Image 5-28
Definition 1-3
Memory Capacity 1-3
Selecting with knob 2-5
Supplied in the 801GP 1-3
Frame Rate
Programming 6-175