Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 258

Chapter 6: Programming
Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A
draw a GRIll pattern of Vertical lines
Custom image primitive
Command Syntax:
in space>
< number of pixels in space> = number of lines
Query Syntax:
Draws equally spaced vertical lines that form a grill over the
entire active video area. The gaps are not touched and will
show any previously drawn primitives. The primitive uses three
(3) parameters. The first is the color of the lines. The second is
the thickness of the lines and the third is the thickness of the
space between the lines.
Other Required Cmds:
The FMTU command instructs the generator to use the new
setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting
and redraws the test image.
G R I V c y a n 1 6 1 6 / / D r a w c y a n g r i l l w i t h
/ / 1 6 - p i x e l l i n e s a n d 1 6 - p i x e l
/ / s p a c e s
A L L U / / U p d a t e h a r d w a r e t o c u r r e n t
/ / b u f f e r c o n t e n t s