Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 291

draw sequence Step NUMber
Custom image primitive
Command Syntax:
Query Syntax:
Displays the sequence step number to an image when it’s drawn
as part of a test sequence. The number, along with the word
Step, appears in a small box. Seq. Step uses three (3) parameters.
The first is the color used for the text and box border. The next
two parameters are the X and Y coordinates for the position of
the box.
Other Required Cmds:
The displaying of sequence step numbers must be enabled with
the DNUM command and the custom image must have been
loaded as part of a sequence in order for this primitive to be
S N U M w h i t e 5 0 5 0 / / D i s p l a y s e q . n u m .
/ / i n b o x w i t h t o p l e f t c o r n e r a t
/ / X = 5 0 , Y = 5 0