Quantum Data 801GC User Manual

Page 290

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Chapter 6: Programming

Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A


SIZE of bit field


Direct processor control

Command Syntax:



-32 to -1 or 1 to 32 bits

Query Syntax:


Query Response:


The SIZE command sets the field size (in base 10) used in
connection with the GETA, GETR, PUTA, and PUTR commands.
If a negative size is specified, then values given (or returned)
are sign extended to 32 bits. For example, if SIZE = -16 and a
16 bit field containing FFFF hex is fetched, then the value
FFFFFFFF hex is returned. The SIZE? query returns the current
setting of SIZE in base 10. SIZE is preset to 16 each time the
generator is powered on.

Note – This command will normally be used only with custom
applications and command files created by Quantum Data.

Other Required Cmds:



U s e o n l y w i t h c o d e s u p p l i e d b y Q u a n t u m

D a t a !


Sequence operating MODe


Sequence parameter setting

Command Syntax:



0 = Disable
1 = Enable manual step mode that stops at last step
2 = Enable manual step mode that wraps to first step

after last step

3 = Enable continuous auto stepping

Query Syntax:


Query Response:


The SMOD command sets the sequence mode. The SMOD? query

returns the current setting of SMOD.

Other Required Cmds:

The SEQL command loads the sequence and SEQU starts to run



S E Q L M Y _ S E Q / / L o a d " M Y _ S E Q " d i r i n
/ / e d i t b u f f e r

S E Q U / / S t a r t r u n n i n g t h e s e q u e n c e i n

/ / t h e b u f f e r

S M O D 3 / / S e t t h e s e q u e n c e m o d e

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