Programmerõs utility disk – Quantum Data 801GC User Manual

Page 131

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be set to a higher limit if it is known
that a particular unit will work reliably
at the higher limit.

• The gamma correction flag. This flag

determines whether individual formats
can control the application of gamma
correction or if gamma correction is
disabled regardless of a format’s set-
ting. The factory default setting is to
allow gamma correction to be controlled
by individual formats.

There are two ways of changing the settings
of these parameters:

• They can be restored to their default

factory settings as part of a user initi-
ated system reset. This will also restore
the entire format storage memory to its
factory default contents.

• A suitably equipped computer or ter-

minal connected to one of the commu-
nications ports can be used to set the
parameters to user defined settings.

ProgrammerÕs utility disk

We normally supply one MS-DOS compat-
ible utility disk (3-



inch DS) with each 801G*

shipped from our factory. The disk is suit-
able for use on IBM-PC and compatible com-
puters equipped with a serial port. The disk
contains several sample download files for
the 801G*. These files can be copied and edited
using any ASCII text editor you wish to run
on your computer. The disk also contains a
“shareware” version of a terminal emulation
program. The disk does not contain a text

C u s t o m I m a g e s , T e s t S e q u e n c e s a n d S y s t e m P a r a m e t e r s

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