Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 5

T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s
Chapter 1:
Features ..................................................... 1-2
Product Overview ..................................... 1-3
Formats ................................................. 1-3
Images ................................................... 1-3
Controls ................................................. 1-3
Connectors ............................................ 1-4
Chapter 2:
Basic Operation
Introduction ............................................... 2-2
Operating Modes ...................................... 2-2
Front panel operation ............................ 2-2
Normal Format and Images Selection Mode
Test Sequence Mode ............................ 2-3
Switching operating modes ................... 2-3
Programming Mode ............................... 2-3
Displays and Indicators (Normal Mode) . 2-4
Knobs ......................................................... 2-5
Format Knob in Normal Mode ............... 2-5
Format Knob in Other Modes ................ 2-5
Image Knob in Normal Mode ................. 2-5
Image Looping in Normal Mode ............ 2-6
Image Knob in Other Modes ................. 2-6