Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 339

North America:
Manufacturing, Sales and Service
Quantum Data Inc.
Attn: Customer Service Dept.
2111 Big Timber Road
Elgin, IL 60123
Telephone: +1 - 847-888-0450
Facsimile: +1 - 847-888-2802
Internet e-mail:
Service Only
(Please contact our U.S.A. office, above, for sales)
Matrix Europe BV
Attn: Service Department Manager
Mail Address:
Street Address:
P.O. Box 992
Nijverheidsweg Zuid 4
NL-3800 AZ Amersfoort 3812 EB Amersfoort
The Netherlands
The Netherlands
Telephone: +31 - 33-4620410
Facsimile: +31 - 33-4633644
Telex: 70387 matrix nl
Sales Representative and Service
Nihon Binary Company, Ltd.
Minamizuka-Bldg. 2-17-3
Shibuya, Shibuya-Ku
Tokyo 150, Japan
Telephone: +81 - 33-407-9751
Facsimile: +81 - 33-407-9752
Telex: BINARY J27876
A u t o r i z e d S e r v i c e C e n t e r s