Quantum Data 801GC User Manual
Page 159

larger. The following example draws a yellow cross-
hatch that has 15 boxes horizontally and 9 boxes
H a t c h I - O Y e l l o w 1 5 9
The Hatch_O-I primitive draws a crosshatch from
the “Outside-In” of a given color and forming a given
number of boxes in each direction. All lines are 1
pixel thick. The first and last lines in each direction
are at the very edges of active video. All of the lines,
in a given direction, are equally spaced. Any re-
maining pixels are added to the boxes along the
horizontal and vertical centers of the image. The
following example draws a green crosshatch that has
15 boxes horizontally and 9 boxes vertically:
H a t c h O - I G r e e n 1 5 9
The Cross primitive draws a large centered cross
that fills the active video area. The vertical line is 2
pixels thick if the format has an even number of
active pixels. The horizontal line is 2 pixels thick if
the format has an even number of active lines. The
primitive uses a single parameter, the color of the
cross. The following example draws a magenta cross:
C r o s s M a g e n t a
The Text primitive draws a user defined text string.
The primitive uses five (5) parameters. The first is
the color. The next two parameters are X and Y
coordinates for the location of the top left corner of
the text. The fourth parameter is the number of the
font set. A list of available font sets is shown on an
earlier page.
The last parameter is the text string to be drawn.
When you edit this parameter, a small window pops
up that shows the current string contents and a
character list. The knobs and keys are used to modify
the string.
The following example draws a white “Hello World”
text string near the top left corner of the screen using
font set #0:
T e x t
W h i t e 1 0 1 0 0 H e l l o W o r l d