Quantum Data 801GC User Manual

Page 264

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Chapter 6: Programming

Model 801GC, 801GF & 801GX¥Rev. A


Horizontal Sync Pulse Polarity


Format parameter setting

Command Syntax:



0 = active-low (negative going pulse)
1 = active-high (positive going pulse)

Query Syntax:


Query Response:


The HSPP command establishes the logic sense of the digital
horizontal sync outputs. Setting polarity to one (1) causes the
leading edge of horizontal sync to be a low-to-high transition.
Setting polarity to zero (0) causes the leading edge of horizontal
sync to be a high-to-low transition. The HSPP? query returns
the current polarity of HSPP.

Other Required Cmds:

In order to use digital horizontal sync, it must be gated on with
the HSPG command and digital separate H&V sync must be
selected with the SSST command. The FMTU command instructs
the generator to use the new setting. The ALLU command updates
hardware to the new setting and redraws the test image.


H S P P 0 / / S e t a c t i v e l o H s y n c i n
/ / b u f f e r

H S P G 1 / / E n a b l e H s y n c o u t p u t i n

/ / b u f f e r

S S S T 1 / / S e l e c t H & V s y n c t y p e i n

/ / b u f f e r

F M T U / / U p d a t e h a r d w a r e t o c u r r e n t

/ / b u f f e r c o n t e n t s


Horizontal Sync Pulse Width


Format parameter setting

Command Syntax:



min = 1
max = HTOT - HRES - HSPD

Query Syntax:


Query Response:


The HSPW command establishes the width of the horizontal
sync pulse. The HSPW? query returns the current setting of

Other Required Cmds:

The FMTU command instructs the generator to use the new

setting. The ALLU command updates hardware to the new setting
and redraws the test image.


H S P W 3 2 / / S e t p u l s e w i d t h t o 3 2 p i x e l s
/ / i n b u f f e r

F M T U / / U p d a t e h a r d w a r e t o c u r r e n t

/ / b u f f e r c o n t e n t s

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