Brightness, Light > auto levels, Auto levels method – Nikon CAPTURE NX2 User Manual

Page 189: Correct contrast

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Chapter 20 — Adjust Menu


Light > Auto Levels




Brightness slider provides you with the ability to either brighten or darken your image without

creating unwanted color shifts. Move this slider to the left to darken the image, or move the slider to the
right to brighten the image.

Light > Auto Levels


Auto Levels tool enables Capture NX 2 to analyze your

image in order to determine the correct adjustments to
spread the available color information across the entire
range of tonal possibilities. While similar to the auto contrast
button within the

Levels & Curves step, the Auto Levels

tool provides you with additional controls.


Auto Levels tool provides you with the following


Auto Levels Method

Click on the auto levels method pull-down menu to select
between one of the two possible methods:



Auto method results in a redistribution of the

individual color channels, similar to stretching each color
channel within the

Levels & Curves tool to the entire

range of the histogram.



Advanced method begins with the same results as the Auto method, but provides you with access

to the

Correct Contrast and Correct Color Cast sliders.

Correct Contrast


Correct Contrast slider is provided by selecting the Advanced method in the auto levels method

pull-down menu. Use this slider to either increase or decrease the amount of contrast that is applied to your
image. A value of 50 is equivalent to the contrast effect of the

Auto method.


Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C (Windows)

command + option + shift + C
