Opacity, Pressure controls – Nikon CAPTURE NX2 User Manual

Page 117

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Chapter 13 — The Toolbar


Selection Brush Tool



Changing the

Opacity option increases or decreases the opacity of the brush strokes that are applied.

Increase this value and the brush will either add more of the current step’s enhancements to the image
when using the

(+) mode of the selection brush or it will remove more of the current step’s enhancements

from the image when using the

(–) mode of the selection brush.

Pressure Controls


Pressure Controls pull-down menu enables you to control the different brush elements when using a

pressure-sensitive input device, such as a pen tablet.

The different options available within the

Pressure Controls pull-down menu are:



Size option enables you to control the size of the brush using the pressure of the pressure-sensitive

input device. Applying more pressure makes the brush larger, while less pressure makes the brush smaller.
The maximum size of the brush is based on the

Size option.



Opacity option enables you to control the opacity of the brush using the pressure of the pressure-

sensitive input device. Applying more pressure provides more opacity, while less pressure provides less
opacity. The maximum opacity of the brush is based on the

Opacity option.

Opacity and Size


Opacity and Size option enables you to control both the size and the opacity of the brush using the

pressure of the pressure-sensitive input device. Applying more pressure provides a larger brush with
greater opacity, while less pressure provides a smaller brush with lower opacity. The maximum size and
opacity of the brush are based on the

Size and Opacity options.



None option ensures that neither the size nor the opacity are affected when using a pressure-

sensitive input device.


Each number 0 through 9 sets the brush’s opacity to a 10% increment, i.e. 1 = 10%, 2 = 20%, etc. 0 = 100%.
Pressing another number key after the first number key will modify the opacity further giving control in 1%
increments, i.e. pressing 55 in close succession will result in 55%, while pressing 06 in close succession will
result in 6%.


B key