National Instruments FP-3000 User Manual

Page 154

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FieldPoint FP-3000 User Manual


© National Instruments Corporation

software configuration problems, F-4 to F-7

generic software configuration problems

(table), F-4 to F-6

overview, F-4
resource block configuration problems

(table), F-7

using third-party configuration

software, 1-5

SP parameter, B-21
SP_D parameter, B-21
SP_HI_LIM parameter, B-21
SP_LO_LIM parameter, B-21
SP_RATE_DN parameter, B-21
SP_RATE_UP parameter, B-21

compliance, E-1
environment, E-1
network, E-1

STAT (FieldPoint Statistics Block) function

block, 4-4

status and mode behavior during cascade

initialization, D-2 to D-3

status calculation rules, for Expression

block, 4-6

status handling, 4-21 to 4-22

Limit subfield values (table), 4-22
Quality subfields (table), 4-21
Substatus field, 4-22


description of LED states

(table), 2-15 to 2-16

flashes and error conditions (table), 2-15
operation, 2-14

STATUS_OPTS parameter (table), B-22
STRATEGY parameter, B-23
ST_REV parameter, B-21
Subcode alarm parameter, 4-20
Substatus field, 4-22
SUPPORTED_MODES parameter, C-10
system integration, by National

Instruments, G-1


TAG_DESC parameter, B-23

assigning address and device tag at initial

power on, 3-1 to 3-2

assigning tag to new block

converting pressure sensor to

Fieldbus (example), 3-3

temperature control with FP-3000

(example), 3-8, 3-11, 3-13

setting device tag and network

address, F-1

TARGET mode, 4-22, B-14
technical support resources, G-1 to G-2
temperature control with FP-3000

(example), 3-7 to 3-17

alarm setting, 3-17
controlling heating element, 3-11 to 3-13

assigning tag to new block, 3-11
bringing block online, 3-12 to 3-13
scaling output, 3-12
selecting module and channel, 3-11
setting output range, 3-11

getting started, 3-7
PID control, 3-13 to 3-17

assigning tag to new block, 3-13
connecting PID to AI and AO

blocks, 3-14 to 3-15

downloading and bringing loop into

Auto, 3-16

scaling the PID, 3-14
tuning the PID, 3-16 to 3-17

taking temperature readings, 3-8 to 3-10

assigning tag to new block, 3-8
bring block online, 3-10
creating FP-TC-120 block, 3-8
scaling the reading, 3-9 to 3-10
selecting module and channel, 3-8
setting input range and thermocouple

type, 3-9