B: circuit switch communications, Configuring circuit-switch, Circuit switch communications – Sierra Wireless RAVEN 1X 20070914 User Manual
Page 143
Rev 3.0B Feb.08
B: Circuit Switch Communications
Circuit‐switch communication requires the Raven to be in
PassThru mode, communicating directly with the internal
Note: When the Raven is used
for circuit switch, the circuit
switch configuration will disable
all ALEOS features except for
serial port communication.
PassThru mode disables the use of ALEOS in the modem. Any
features available using ALEOS are not usable when the
modem is in PassThru mode. In PassThru mode, the settings
available are those of the internal hardware. The Raven C3211
in PassThru mode can save settings internally like a conven‐
tional analog modem. The Raven C3210 or C3216 in PassThru
mode can not.
The best machines for use in circuit‐switched mode are ones
that can provide their own INIT or setup strings and/or issue
AT commands. For customers who have unintelligent
machines who still need to have the modem ʹreadyʹ to behave
in a certain way (such as Auto‐Answering circuit‐switched
data calls), there is a feature in the modem called the INIT
For CDMA/1x, circuit‐switched configuration requires a voice
plan (account) with your carrier, not a 1xRTT data plan. 1xRTT
features are not compatible with the circuit switch configu‐
ration. Voice plan speeds are generally lower than those of a
data plan. It is generally not easy to switch from one plan to
the other.
Configuring Circuit-Switch
The Raven needs to be configured to enter into PassThru after
start up. You can use AceManager (preferred) or direct serial
communication to configure the Raven to work in PassThru
mode and for circuit‐switched communications. In the UDP
group, select the MD command and choose 07‐PassThru.