Status, Hostmode? *netchan? *neterr? *netip – Sierra Wireless RAVEN 1X 20070914 User Manual
Page 103
Configuration Commands
Rev 3.0B Feb.08
Most of the commands in the “Status” group have read‐only
parameters and provide information about the modem. The
Status Group has more fields that can be displayed on most
screens. You can either resize your window or use the scroll
bar on the side to display the remainder.
Figure 1-2: AceManager : Status
The current host mode (AT, PPP, UDP, etc.). If the Raven is not
in AT mode, telnet into the modem to execute this command.
The current active 1x/CDMA channel number.
The EVDO or CDMA network frame error rate.
Note: If there is no current
network IP address, may
be displayed.
The current IP address of the modem reported by the internal
module, generally obtained from Sprint. This is the address
can contact the Raven from the Internet.
Tip: Use *NETALLOWZEROIP if you need to allow the display of an
IP ending in a zero.