Sharp IQ-8900 User Manual
Page 107
Assigning due dates to entries
Enter the following information:
Sales report
Due Date
In the To Do application,
1. Press (NEW) .
2. Type Sales repot?.
3. Move to the DUE DATE field. Enter the due date in the
order of month, day, year. Type 03 1994,
4. Touch
Entering a monthly goal
If you enter only the month and year in an entry’s DUE
DATE field (with no specific date), the entry becomes a
“monthly goal,” and will be displayed in the Monthly view
of the Calendar.
You have a manuscript you have to read by the end of
In the To Do application,
1. Press
2. Enter a description. Type Read manuscript.
3. Move to the DUE DATE field.
4. Enter the month when you want to accomplish this. Type
5. Press I,) twice (skipping the date) and enter the year.
Type 1994.
6. Touch
The entry is now stored.
Now check that the entry you made is displayed on the
7. Press