IBM DS6000 User Manual
Front cover
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Front cover
- Contents
- Notices
- Preface
- Summary of changes
- Part 1 Overview
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Copy Services architecture
- Part 2 Interfaces
- Chapter 3. DS Storage Manager
- Chapter 4. DS Command-Line Interface
- Chapter 5. System z interfaces
- Part 3 FlashCopy
- Chapter 6. FlashCopy overview
- Chapter 7. FlashCopy options
- 7.1 Multiple relationship FlashCopy
- 7.2 Consistency Group FlashCopy
- 7.3 FlashCopy target as a Metro Mirror or Global Copy primary
- 7.4 Incremental FlashCopy - refresh target volume
- 7.5 Remote FlashCopy
- 7.6 Persistent FlashCopy
- 7.7 Data set FlashCopy
- 7.8 Reverse restore
- 7.9 Fast reverse restore
- 7.10 Options and interfaces
- Chapter 8. FlashCopy ordering and activation
- Chapter 9. FlashCopy interfaces
- Chapter 10. FlashCopy performance
- Chapter 11. FlashCopy examples
- Part 4 Metro Mirror
- Chapter 12. Metro Mirror overview
- Chapter 13. Metro Mirror options and configuration
- Chapter 14. Metro Mirror interfaces
- 14.1 Metro Mirror interfaces - overview
- 14.2 TSO commands for Metro Mirror management
- 14.3 ICKDSF
- 14.3.1 Metro Mirror management with ICKDSF
- 14.3.2 Display the Fibre Channel Connection Information Table
- 14.3.11 PPRCOPY RUN
- 14.3.12 Refreshing the VTOC
- 14.4 DS Command-Line Interface
- 14.5 DS CLI command- examples
- 14.6 DS Storage Manager GUI
- Chapter 15. Metro Mirror performance and scalability
- Chapter 16. Metro Mirror examples
- Part 5 Global Copy
- Chapter 17. Global Copy overview
- Chapter 18. Global Copy options and configuration
- Chapter 19. Global Copy performance and scalability
- Chapter 20. Global Copy interfaces
- Chapter 21. Global Copy examples
- Chapter 22. Global Mirror overview
- Part 6 Global Mirror
- Chapter 23. Global Mirror options and configuration
- 23.1 Terminology used in Global Mirror environments
- 23.2 Create a Global Mirror environment
- 23.3 Modify a Global Mirror session
- 23.4 Remove a Global Mirror environment
- 23.5 Global Mirror with multiple storage disk subsystems
- 23.6 Connectivity between local and remote site
- 23.7 Recovery scenario after primary site failure
- 23.7.1 Normal Global Mirror operation
- 23.7.2 Primary site failure
- 23.7.3 Failover B volumes
- 23.7.4 Check for valid Consistency Group state
- 23.7.5 Set consistent data on B volumes
- 23.7.6 Reestablish the FlashCopy relationship between B and C volumes
- 23.7.7 Restart the application at the remote site
- 23.7.8 Prepare to switch back to the local site
- 23.7.9 Return to local site
- 23.7.10 Conclusions
- Chapter 24. Global Mirror interfaces
- 24.1 Global Mirror interfaces - overview
- 24.2 Different interfaces for the same function
- 24.3 Global Mirror management using TSO commands
- 24.3.1 Establish a Global Mirror environment
- 24.3.2 Define paths
- 24.3.3 Establish Global Copy volume pairs
- 24.3.4 Establish FlashCopy relationships for Global Mirror
- 24.3.5 Define a Global Mirror session
- 24.3.6 Populate a Global Mirror session with volumes
- 24.3.7 Start a Global Mirror session
- 24.3.8 Query a Global Mirror session
- 24.4 DS CLI to manage Global Mirror volumes in z/OS
- 24.5 Global Mirror management using ICKDSF
- 24.5.1 Establish a Global Mirror environment
- 24.5.2 Define paths
- 24.5.3 Establish Global Copy pairs
- 24.5.4 Establish FlashCopy relationships
- 24.5.5 Define a Global Mirror session
- 24.5.6 Add volumes to a session
- 24.5.7 Start Global Mirror
- 24.5.8 Query an active Global Mirror session
- 24.5.9 Remove a Global Mirror environment
- 24.5.10 Stop the Global Mirror session
- 24.5.11 Remove volumes from Global Mirror
- 24.5.12 Un-define the Global Mirror session
- 24.5.13 Withdraw FlashCopy relationships
- 24.5.14 Delete Global Copy pairs
- 24.5.15 Remove all paths
- 24.6 ANTRQST macro
- 24.7 DS Storage Manager GUI
- Chapter 25. Global Mirror performance and scalability
- Chapter 26. Global Mirror examples
- 26.1 Global Mirror examples - configuration
- 26.2 Global Mirror query examples with TSO
- 26.3 Set up the Global Mirror environment using TSO
- 26.4 Primary site failure and recovery management with TSO
- 26.4.1 Primary site failure
- 26.4.2 Stop a Global Mirror session
- 26.4.3 Failover from B to A volumes
- 26.4.4 Check Global Mirror FlashCopy status between B and C volumes
- 26.4.5 Create a data consistent set of B volumes
- 26.4.6 Optionally create a data consistent set of D volumes
- 26.4.7 Create a data consistent set of C volumes
- 26.4.8 Prepare to return to the local site
- 26.4.9 Replicate the changes from B to A
- 26.4.10 Return to the local site and resume Global Mirror
- 26.5 Remove Global Mirror environment using TSO
- 26.6 Planned outage management using ICKDSF
- 26.7 Remove a Global Mirror environment using ICKDSF
- 26.8 Query device information with ICKDSF
- 26.9 Set up a Global Mirror environment using DS SM
- 26.10 Set up a Global Mirror environment using the DS CLI
- 26.11 Control and Query Global Mirror with the DS CLI
- 26.12 Site switch basic operations using the DS CLI
- 26.13 Remove the Global Mirror environment with the DS CLI
- Part 7 Interoperability
- Chapter 27. Combining Copy Service functions
- Chapter 28. Interoperability between DS6000 and DS8000
- 28.1 DS6000 and DS8000 Copy Services interoperability
- 28.2 Preparing the environment
- 28.2.1 Minimum microcode levels
- 28.2.2 Hardware and licensing requirements
- 28.2.3 Network connectivity
- 28.2.4 Creating matching user IDs and passwords
- 28.2.5 Updating the DS CLI profile
- 28.2.6 Adding the Storage Complex
- 28.2.7 Volume size considerations for Remote Mirror Copy
- 28.2.8 Determining DS6000 and DS8000 CKD volume size
- 28.3 RMC: Establishing paths between DS6000 and DS8000
- 28.4 Managing Metro Mirror or Global Copy pairs
- 28.5 Managing DS6000 to DS8000 Global Mirror
- 28.6 Managing DS6000 and DS8000 FlashCopy
- 28.7 z/OS Global Mirror
- Part 8 Solutions
- Chapter 29. Interoperability between DS6000 and ESS 800
- 29.1 DS6000 and ESS 800 Copy Services interoperability
- 29.2 Preparing the environment
- 29.2.1 Minimum microcode levels
- 29.2.2 Hardware and licensing requirements
- 29.2.3 Network connectivity
- 29.2.4 Creating matching user IDs and passwords
- 29.2.5 Updating the DS CLI profile
- 29.2.6 Adding the Copy Services domain
- 29.2.7 Volume size considerations for RMC (PPRC)
- 29.2.8 Volume address considerations on the ESS 800
- 29.3 RMC: Establishing paths between DS6000 and ESS 800
- 29.4 Managing Metro Mirror or Global Copy pairs
- 29.5 Managing ESS 800 Global Mirror
- 29.6 Managing ESS 800 FlashCopy
- Chapter 30. IIBM TotalStorage Rapid Data Recovery
- Chapter 31. IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center for Replication
- 31.1 IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center
- 31.2 Where we are coming from
- 31.3 What TPC for Replication provides
- 31.4 Copy Services terminology
- 31.5 TPC for Replication terminology
- 31.6 TPC for Replication session types
- 31.7 TPC for Replication session states
- 31.8 Volumes in a copy set
- 31.9 TPC for Replication and scalability
- 31.10 TPC for Replication system and connectivity overview
- 31.11 TPC for Replication monitoring and freeze capability
- 31.12 TPC for Replication heartbeat
- 31.13 Supported platforms
- 31.14 Hardware requirements for TPC for Replication servers
- 31.15 TPC for Replication GUI
- 31.16 Command Line Interface to TPC for Replication
- Chapter 32. GDPS overview
- Appendix A. Concurrent Copy
- Appendix B. SNMP notifications
- Appendix C. Licensing
- Appendix D. CLI migration
- Related publications
- Index
- Back cover