IBM DS6000 User Manual

Page 468

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IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z

Determining DS6000 WWNN with DS CLI

In Example 29-5, we show how to display the WWNN of a Storage Image using the



Example 29-5 Determine the WWNN of a DS6000

dscli> lssi
Date/Time: 3 November 2005 1:05:50 IBM DSCLI Version:
Name ID Storage Unit Model WWNN State ESSNet
- IBM.1750-1300247 IBM.1750-1300247 511


Online Enabled

Determine the WWNN of the ESS 800 with the ESS Specialist

To determine the WWN of the ESS 800 with the ESS Specialist:

1. Point your browser to the IP address of either cluster of the ESS 800.

2. On the opening panel, click

ESS Specialist.

3. Using the prompt, log on to the ESS Specialist with a ESS Specialist user ID and


4. On the welcome panel, you see the WWNN as shown in Figure 29-10. Write it down.

Figure 29-10 Using ESS 800 Specialist GUI to display the ESS 800 WWNN

Determining the WWNN of the ESS 800 using the ESS CLI

If you have the ESS CLI installed on a PC, then you can use the

list server

command to

display the ESS 800 WWNN.

An example of the command syntax is shown in Example 29-6. The advantage of this
technique is that you can copy and paste the output.

Example 29-6 Using ESS CLI to display the ESS 800 WWNN

C:\Program Files\ibm\ESScli>esscli -u storwatch -p specialist -s list server
Tue Nov 01 03:28:59 EST 2005 IBM ESSCLI 2.4.0

Server Model Mfg WWN CodeEC Cache NVS Racks
2105.22399 800 013

5005076300C09517 32GB 2GB 1

Note: This is not the DS CLI. ESS CLI is a separate software package that you can get
from your IBM Service Representative if you do not already have it.