IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 367

Chapter 26. Global Mirror examples
The RQUERY command and its options have been explained in 24.3.8, “Query a Global
Mirror session” on page 310.
26.2.2 Query Global Mirror volume status - DVCSTAT option
The DVCSTAT option returns information pertaining to the volumes in the LSS where
VOLSER points to. Note that the specified VOLSER itself does not have to be a Global Mirror
volume. You direct this command to an LSS that is part of a Global Mirror session.
Example 26-1 RQUERY TSO command with the DVCSTAT option and formatted output
RQUERY Output Volser(XX2C00) Action(DVCSTAT) Version(001)
SNbr LSS Dvc VolStat PriPPRCStat SecCascStat
-- -- -- -------------------- ---------- ----------
01 0C 00 InSession DplxPendng Simplex
In Example 26-1 the query is targeted to an LSS with a Global Copy volume in session
. The LSS is the one that has device
in it; see Figure 26-1 on page 342.
Through the VOLSER parameter, the next RQUERY points to the another LSS that is also
involved in this Global Mirror session; see Example 26-2.
Example 26-2 RQUERY with DVCSTAT of the second LSS with Global Mirror volumes
RQUERY Output Volser(XX2D00) Action(DVCSTAT) Version(001)
SNbr LSS Dvc VolStat PriPPRCStat SecCascStat
-- -- -- -------------------- ---------- ----------
01 0D 00 InSession DplxPendng Simplex
0D 01 InSession DplxPendng Simplex
All three volumes are in Global Mirror session number
. You may consider omitting the
session number parameter SNBR. In this case RQUERY returns whatever session is
currently active in the addressed LSS and its Global Mirror volumes.
26.2.3 Query Global Mirror session summary - GMLSTAT option
When used with the GMLSTAT parameter, the RQUERY command, pointing through the
VOLSER parameter to the Global Mirror Master LSS, provides summary information about
the volumes involved in the session.
When you address an LSS that is not the Global Mirror Master LSS, the GMLSTAT option
does not return Global Mirror session information, as Example 26-3 on page 344 illustrates.