IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 193

Chapter 14. Metro Mirror interfaces
1/1 pair 0601:0101 state: Full Duplex.
command is used to start a failover operation. It changes a secondary
device into a primary suspended device while leaving the primary device in its current state.
This command succeeds even if the paths are down and the volume at the production site is
unavailable or nonexistent. Example 14-35 shows how it can be used for multiple volume
pairs. We issued this command to the device at the backup site (which in all previous
commands was referred to as the remotedev). We also reversed the volumes, since the
former targets are now becoming source volumes.
Example 14-35 failoverpprc command
Following command issued to SMC at backup site
dscli> failoverpprc -dev IBM.1750-1300819 -remotedev IBM.1750-1300247 -type mmir 0100:0600
Date/Time: 24 November 2005 0:23:03 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300819
CMUC00196I failoverpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy pair 0100:0600 successfully reversed.
CMUC00196I failoverpprc: Remote Mirror and Copy pair 0101:0601 successfully reversed.
Following command issued to SMC at backup site
dscli> lspprc -dev IBM.1750-1300819 0100-0101
Date/Time: 24 November 2005 0:25:14 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300819
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First
0100:0600 Suspended Host Source Metro Mirror 01 unknown Disabled Invalid
0101:0601 Suspended Host Source Metro Mirror 01 unknown Disabled Invalid
Following command issued to SMC at production site
dscli> lspprc -dev IBM.13-00247 0600-0601
Date/Time: 24 November 2005 0:26:21 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
ID State Reason Type SourceLSS Timeout (secs) Critical Mode First Pass
0600:0100 Full Duplex - Metro Mirror 06 unknown Disabled Invalid
0601:0101 Full Duplex - Metro Mirror 06 unknown Disabled Invalid
command can be issued against any remote mirror and copy volume that
is in a primary suspended state. The command copies the required data from the source
volume to the target volume to resume mirroring. The command is usually used after a
command has been issued to restart mirroring either in the reverse direction
(recovery site to production site) or original direction (production site to recovery site).
However, this command also works if the target volume has been made simplex or is a
secondary volume. The command performs a full or partial copy as required.
Example 14-36 on page 171 shows the use of this command. We again issued this command
to the machine at the backup site. In the end, the host updates that are generated on the
volumes at the backup site are mirrored to the production site. After issuing these commands,
and getting into a full duplex state, we could do the failover and failback again in reverse. This
would restore the production site disk subsystem to being the source and the backup site disk
subsystem to being the target.