IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 411

Chapter 26. Global Mirror examples
Next to proceed with the second step of this wizard. The creation wizard then displays
the “Define properties” panel; see Figure 26-30.
Figure 26-30 Global Mirror creation step 2 - define properties
When the creation wizard displays this
panel, complete the “Enter session number” field with
the appropriate session number. You can click
Get Available Session Numbers if you have
forgotten the one you want to use. In the panel there are also these three Global Mirror tuning
parameters that can be set at this time:
Consistency Group interval time
Specifies, in seconds, how long to wait between the formation of Consistency Groups. If
this number is not specified or is set to zero, Consistency Groups are formed
continuously. The maximum is 18 hours.
Maximum coordination interval
Indicates, in milliseconds (ms), the maximum time allowed for the Master to coordinate a
consistent data point with the Subordinates. During this time Global Mirror holds back host
I/Os, to start forming a Consistency Group.
Maximum time writes inhibited to remote site
Specifies in seconds the maximum Consistency Group drain time for the replication of the
remaining data from the primary site to the secondary site. This is the data that is still in
the out-of-sync bitmap in the primary storage disk subsystem, waiting to be replicated to
the secondary storage disk subsystem.