IBM DS6000 User Manual

Page 462

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IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z

if you use these volumes in a PPRC relationship, their partner volumes should also be 3339

Example 29-3 CKD volume size in DS CLI

dscli> mkckdvol -extpool P2 -cap 3339 -name av_6K_CKD_#h 0600-0601
Date/Time: 8 November 2005 22:58:31 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
CMUC00021I mkckdvol: CKD Volume 0600 successfully created.
CMUC00021I mkckdvol: CKD Volume 0601 successfully created.
dscli> lsckdvol -lcu 06
Date/Time: 9 November 2005 3:58:42 IBM DSCLI Version: DS: IBM.1750-1300247
Name ID accstate datastate configstate deviceMTM voltype orgbvols extpool cap (cyl)
av_6K_CKD_0600 0600 Online Normal Normal 3390-3 CKD Base - P2 3339
av_6K_CKD_0601 0601 Online Normal Normal 3390-3 CKD Base - P2 3339

Determining ESS volume size

To view the ESS volume sizes, you can use the ESS Specialist.

1. Start a Web browser and connect to the IP address of either ESS 800 cluster.

2. Click

ESS Specialist.

3. Log on with a ESS Specialist user ID.

4. Click the Storage Allocation tab.

5. Click the S/390 Storage tab.

6. Highlight the LCU that contains the volumes you wish to check.

7. Take note of the value in the cylinders column for the volumes that you are interested in as

shown in Figure 29-2. In this example, the volumes are all 3339 cylinders in size.

Figure 29-2 Viewing ESS 800 volume size using ESS Specialist GUI

You can also use the ESS CLI to view the volume size as shown in Example 29-4 on
page 439.