IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 573

suspended 203
suspending PPRC pairs
CSUSPEND command 228
symmetrical configuration 146
synchronous data replication 246
terminate 511
FlashCopy pairs 47
terminating PPRC pairs
CDELPAIR command 225
terminating PPRC paths
CDELPATH command 225
terminology 268, 510
test system 44
multiple setup example 122
example 241
Global Mirror recovery 352
batch execution for Global Copy 228
cleaning a Global Mirror session 360
command overview 224
create Global Copy volume pairs 305
define a Global Mirror session 308
define PPRC paths 303
establish a Global Mirror environment 303, 345
FlashCopy relationship for Global Mirror 307
Global Mirror site failure scenario 352
manage Global Mirror 302
populate a Global Mirror session 309
query a Global Mirror session 310
start a Global Mirror environment 310
TSO example 241
unfreezepprc 233
usage examples 35
user assistance 34
volumes 147
add or remove 271
VTOC 164
determine for DS6000 using the DS GUI 422
determine for ESS 800 using DS CLI 444
determining the remote device 422
z/OS 51
benefits of using Concurrent Copy 511
Concurrent Copy 510
Concurrent Copy on the DS6000 512
Concurrent Copy operation 512
Concurrent Copy overview 510
Concurrent Copy terminology 510
Copy Services 6
DS CLI to manage Global Mirror volumes 313
examples of Concurrent Copy invocation 515
FlashCopy and Global Mirror 51
invoking Concurrent Copy 512
production and performance considerations 513
sizing and requirements 513
SMF information 515