IBM DS6000 User Manual

Page 102

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IBM System Storage DS6000 Series: Copy Services with IBM System z

0000:0100 00 0 300 Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
0001:0101 00 1 300 Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
0002:0102 00 2 300 Disabled Enabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled
0003:0103 00 3 300 Disabled Disabled Enabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Enabled

The following explanations apply to the cases presented in Example 9-2:

Example 1: list FlashCopy information for a specific volume

In this example, the


command shows the FlashCopy relationship information for

volume 0004, showing the status (enabled/disabled) of the FlashCopy properties.

Example 2: list existing FlashCopy relationships information within a range of volumes.

In this example, the


command shows the FlashCopy relationships information for

the range of volumes 0000 to 0004, showing the properties status (enabled/disabled).

Example 3: list existing FlashCopy relationships with full information.

Using the


parameter with the


command displays the default output plus

information on the following properties: OutOfSyncTracks, DateCreated, and DateSynced.

Example 4: list IDs of existing FlashCopy pairs within a volume range.

Using the


parameter displays only the FlashCopy source and target volume IDs for the

specified range of volumes.

Example 5: list FlashCopy relationships with active background copy running.

Using the parameter


will display only those FlashCopy relationships within the

selected range of volumes for which a background copy is actively running. The output
format is the default output. In our example there were no active background copies.

Example 6: list existing FlashCopy relationships with



Using the


parameter will display only those FlashCopy relationships within the

selected range of volumes that were established with the



Example 7: list existing FlashCopy relationships with the Persistent attribute enabled.

When using the parameter


only those FlashCopy relationships within the range

of selected volumes for which the Persistent option is enabled will be displayed.

Example 8: list existing FlashCopy relationships which are revertible.

When using the parameter


only those FlashCopy relationships within the

range of selected volumes for which the option Revertible is enabled will be displayed.
There were no revertible relationships in our example.

Example 9: list existing FlashCopy relationships for which BackgroundCopy is enabled.

When using the parameter


only those FlashCopy relationships within the range of

selected volumes for which the option BackgroundCopy is enabled will be displayed.

Set an existing FlashCopy to revertible using setflashrevertible

The command


can be used to modify the revertible attribute of a

FlashCopy relationship that is part of a Global Mirror relationship.

The FlashCopy options Recording and Persistent must be enabled to set a FlashCopy
relationship to revertible using this command. This command needs to be executed prior to
running a





Example 9-3 on page 79 illustrates two situations using the

