IBM DS6000 User Manual
Page 569

PPRC paths for multiple primary storage servers
PPRC paths through TSO commands 303
PPRC paths with ICKDSF 314
session 258
session through ICKDSF 318–319
delete Global Copy pairs with ICKDSF 327
dependent writes 246, 250
Disaster Recovery practice 402
DS CLI example to establish FlashCopy between B
and C 300
DS CLI profile files 390
DS CLI to manage volumes in z/OS 313
DS SM for management 328
environment through DS SM 373
environment with ICKDSF 313
environment with TSO commands 303
Flashcopy relationships with DS SM 381
FlashCopy through ICKDSF 317
Global Copy pairs with ICKDSF 316
PPRC paths for Global copy with DS SM 374
session with DS CLI 389
examples 342
examples setup 342
failover 283
failover/failback example 296
form Consistency Group 260
growth within Global Mirror configurations 340
GUI for management 328
ICKDSF example to establish FlashCopy between
volume B and volume C 301
ICKDSF support 313
interfaces to manage environments 298
introduce FlashCopy 257
investigate the FlashCopy status between B and C
volumes 403
local site 293
modify parameters 272
modify session 271
multiple disk storage servers 275
multi-site host connectivity 279
operation 282
pause a session 399
pause and resume session through the GUI 330
perform Global Copy failback 401
perform Global Copy failover 401
performance aspects 336
performance issues at coordination time 337
planned outage managed through ICKDSF 366
populate a session through TSO commands 309
populate session with volumes 259
primary site failure 282
query 342
query a session with TSO commands 310
query active session through ICKDSF 322
query environment 395
recovery scenario 282
recovery utilizing TSO commands 352
reestablish FlashCopy relationship between B and C
volumes 290
relationship between local and remote volume 256
remote storage server configuration 338
all PPRC paths with ICKDSF 327
environment 275
environment with ICKDSF 324
FlashCopy relationship 274
FlashCopy session 406
Global Copy session 406
PPRC paths 406
volumes from session with ICKDSF 325
replicating data 246
restart application 292
resume a session 399
session 255, 259
simple configuration 255
single site host connectivity 281
site failure scenario 352
start through ICKDSF 321
start with TSO command 310
stop session with ICKDSF 324
synchronous data replication 246
terminology 268
to establish utilizing TSO commands 345
topology 273
TSO commands 302
TSO example to establish FlashCopy between B and
C 299
undefine session with ICKDSF 325
utilize different interfaces 298
verify for Consistency Group state 285
view volume sessions through GUI 329
volumes 271
which interface to choose 301
withdraw Flashcopy relationships with ICKDSF 326
Global Mirror examples
delete Global Copy pairs through ICKDSF 370
delete session through ICKDSF 370
query device information through ICKDSF 372
remove Global Copy paths through ICKDSF 372
remove volumes from the Global Mirror session with
stop the Global Mirror session with ICKDSF 368
withdraw the Global Mirror FlashCopy relationship
with ICKDSF 369
Global Mirror session 255
remove for each LSS 405
remove relationship 405
using ICKDSF 208
using the DS CLI 209
using the DS Storage Manager 208
using TSO 207
growth within Global Mirror configurations 340
Global Mirror management 328
pause and resume Global Mirror session 330
view Global Mirror volumes in session 329